Sunday, June 3, 2012

Living, Living. Not Much Time for Anything Else.

I’ve been neglecting this diary for the past couple of months. But living took precedence over writing about it.

Not that writing was, as ever, far away.

During March and April I facilitated a writer’s group at the Senior’s Centre in Moncton. A diverse group of people drawn together by a desire to write.  Some were interested in writing family history, some poetry, others fiction, still others newspaper columns. We spent time discussing the ‘bones’ of good writing - grammar punctuation, spelling imagery, imagination. I gave them assignments, not always the most popular part of each week, but I believe good discipline and focus and an opportunity to have their writing read by others and get feedback.

Shortly before this project ended we began another session of Warrior Women; my yoga-inspired classes for women fighting and surviving breast cancer. I was honoured to receive a second grant from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  Sharing space with my good friend Jim Grant of Pneuma Transpersonal Coaching, I promoted yoga at the Holistic Fair in Riveview.

During our winter yoga session the Progressive class included discussions on Indian Festivals, culture and customs and Hindu deities, some of whom are referenced in yoga postures.

It has become a tradition for the Progressive class and myself to share an Indian meal in the week’s break before the spring session begins.

A week ago  Julie and Monique (two of my Warrior Women) and I went to see ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ and really enjoyed it. Some of Britain’s stellar actors, a gentle story without violence and the glorious colours, light and bustle of India. Some reviews I‘ve read make we wonder if the writer has actually seen the movie

Critics can comment on the story of the acting but if they haven’t been to India shouldn’t make comments about life in that country.

We are now in the fifth week of our spring session.  The Progressive class is studying Ayurveda and other classes continue to deepen their practice and enjoy being part of our sangha, or community.

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